The Vision
Our primary target, is to make a nice and beautiful Dinosaurs Park within SecondLife. As well as making dinosaur avatars that is, eventually, at least as quality as the ones appeared in the famous movies, Jurassic Park. We will try to do all the famous species, but raptors is still the first thing that come to our mind when it come to dinosaur avatars.
We will try to make our dinosaurs as accurate as possible to the latest known fact when they were being built. Although, we will hold artistic license as to the smaller, less important, details, such as the curve of the snout or the texture of the skin.
We wish is to create enough stable income, from our avatar sellings and by other means, to eventually create the park of our dream, the Dinosaurs Park of the future which hold great many secrets and histories, the place of enjoyment and relaxation, and a Park which dinosaurs ruled and humans are lured within…
That, is what we aim for. And that is a part of the history…